Tag: الإمتحان الوطني الموحد للبكالوريا
National exam | Scientific Streams | Catch-up Session 2019
The exam’s Comprehension Text
Sophia smiles, blinks her eyes and tells a joke. You might think she was a human. You...
National exam | Scientific Streams | Ordinary Session 2019
Inspiring Women from Morocco
Helping the community is one of the questions that many people keep asking themselves without taking...
National exam | Arts Stream | Catch-up Session 2019
The exam’s Comprehension Text
For several days, 2-year-old Ghislane had been suffering from fever. A nurse at the village healthcare...
National exam | Arts Stream | Ordinary Session 2019
The exam’s Comprehension Texts
Launched in September 2015, the Arab Reading Challenge (ARC) has become the largest project to encourage...
National exam | Scientific Streams | Catch-up Session 2018
The exam’s Comprehension Text
In 2002, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) established a new section called Mobile...
National exam | Scientific Streams | Ordinary Session 2018
AeroMobil 3.0 is a combination of a plane and a car designed to drive...