Tag: الإمتحان الوطني الموحد للبكالوريا
National exam | Arts Stream | Catch-up Session 2010
The exam’s Comprehension Text
Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in a family having rich business, political and community service...
National exam | Arts Stream | Ordinary Session 2010
The exam’s Comprehension Text
Professor Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi banker and economist, is the
inventor of the idea of microcredit. It consists in...
National exam | Scientific Streams | Catch-up Session 2009
The exam’s Comprehension Text
Educating girls offers may benefits to current and future generations. Yet, in many developing countries, girls’ illiteracy still...
National exam | Scientific Streams | Ordinary Session 2009
The exam’s Comprehension Text
Morocco’s street children live a difficult life, often filled with harmful drugs and crime. Efforts to reintegrate them...
National exam | Humanities Stream | Ordinary Session 2011
The exam’s Comprehension Text
Touria returned to Morocco together with her French spouse Michel and their one-year old child. She wanted...
National exam | Humanities Stream | Ordinary Session 2009
The exam’s Comprehension Text
Dropping out of school is a serious problem in Morocco. Each year, nearly 200,000 children leave school before...