CRMEF Meknes 2021 | Presentations | Classroom Management


المركز الجهوي لمهن التربية والتكوين لجهة فاس مكناس

This section contains all the presentations performed in the Classroom Management module by group A1 under the supervision of the coach and teacher-trainer Prof. Mohammed Abicha.

The module presentation list


Presentation N1:  Seating Arrangements

Teacher trainees:
Noureddine Oulhour
Atmane Aalla
Amine Kabour
Yassine Chellah

PPT Presentation


Presentation N2:  Students Grouping

Teacher trainees:
Ikram Errbah
Achraf Dakdak
Noureddine Tiffou

PPT Presentation

In an attempt to research and compile this presentation we had a look at the following resources:
TKT Cambridge Article | Excerpt from TKT Book | Applied Linguistics I for BA Students in EnglishLearning Teaching Jim Scrivener 3rd Edition | Lower Secondary Guidelines | Higher Secondary Guidelines


Presentation N3:  Teacher Roles

Teacher trainees:
Hamza Chaoui
Dounia Azzouzi
Abdelhalim Addichane

PPT Presentation


Presentation N4:  Classroom Interaction

Teacher trainees:
Younesse Jeidane
Mohammed Aoudi
Laila Logdali

PPT Presentation

Worksheets:   Advantages  |  Disadvantages  |  Crossword A  |  Crossword B

Other presentations will be available as soon as they are presented.


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